SCC RoadmapDive into our Sana Commerce Cloud product roadmap to see what's in progress, what's up next, and what's on the horizon for the next 9 months. Keep in mind, this roadmap is a flexible plan, and not everything listed is set in stone for product inclusion.
To be planned
Create Mix&Match discounts directly in Sana Admin
Create Mix&Match discounts directly in Sana Admin

Sana has been improving its discounting capabilities in the Admin interface, with new features like rule builder and automatic discounts. More functions, such as Product Discounts and Buy X, Get Y Discounts, are still being developed. Introducing an exciting addition to these capabilities - Mix & Match Discounts, offering greater flexibility for customers to combine products for discounts. This is especially useful for promoting variety and larger orders. Benefits include accessibility for all users, faster updates, and enhanced flexibility for e-commerce managers. The next step is to integrate Mix & Match discounts seamlessly into Sana Admin.