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Improvement to PIM indexing in Multishop situation
During an analysis of product index problems for a customer, I had a brainstorm with the team with some ideas that I had which I felt would be useful for the improvements list on PIM. Following is an extract from that (customer had InRiver but this applies to PIM in general IMO).
A single product indexing draws data from: 
ERP – Will be different per shop even for the same product. 
Main product infoAnonymous PriceSpecificationsVisibility rulesRelated itemsUoMsOther controlling data flags (e.g.: custom fields like made to order etc.)
InRiver PIM – Will be the same for all shops for the same product ID (check this).
Each product indexing task calls InRiver every time for all shops even if the product information is the same on all responses. Does the product image indexing task also run individually for all shops even if it is the same product: 
Is there any reason why a get product image response would return different values for different web shops for the same product?
If not can we cache the response in Sana on the scheduled run on the first shop and then use it in the subsequent shop index runs? In theory the opportunities that I see are as below:
Cache the InRiver data separately prior to Enriching:
Currently what happens is if a product info is modified (either in InRiver or ERP), we get ERP data from GetProduct call, get inRiver data from an InRiver product call, enrich the GetProduct response from this combined data. But if the InRiver response is the same for the same product regardless of which web shop is calling it, then it is not necessary to again fetch that InRiver data. 
On the task runs from the framework (from any shop), we can cache the fetched InRiver data against the product ID and store it in a temp table. When the Index of another shop is trying to fetch that same product ID data, the task can first check this cache table and if there is already cached product InRiver response, use the data from the Sana DB rather than fetch from InRiverFrom what I remember each InRiver call takes around at least 3 seconds per product).
If the fetch from DB is waaaay faster than fetch from InRiver (assume 1 second) then this should give us roughly 3-5 times performance gain. If product images are also fetched again and again, then the same theory can be applied to that. The customer can then do some checks and evaluation of the shops that get the most amount of daily modifications on products and set the schedules in descending order. This way most of the data from InRiver is cached already, and the shops further down in the indexing schedule in the same framework can benefit from the cached data resulting in faster processing.
Improvements to Product grouping
Improvements to Product grouping

Some improvements that have been put together. The priorities in our view is the same as the numbering provided here (roughly).

1. Povide an option / element to show the grouping as variant attribute dropdowns rather than the matrix.

2. Show volume discounts on the matrix lines (or show the Vol discount link).

3. Allow configuring specific attribute fields per group page.

4. Make the product group matrix line a template that is editable.

5. Increase the matrix limit of 5 attribute columns.

6. Provide a better way to handle the group title. Now it is ambiguous and risky.

7. Provide a better way to handle the group product image from the ERP.

8. Allow multiple grouping fields rather than 1.