SCC FeedbackWe value your input! Tell us what you think about our Sana Commerce Cloud roadmap initiatives and the direction we're taking. If there's something specific you'd like to see, don't hesitate to share it with us below. Vote for ideas on the page to let us know what you find important. You can vote by clicking on an idea and then click thumbs up, down or neutral.
Image and product carroussels
Image and product carroussels

We have been looking for an element within SANA to show a carroussel of images with half of the next image in view, so that the user knows there are more options to swipe. At the moment there is only a carroussel with arrows on left and right product or image element or those circles underneath.

This feature would especially be amazing in a mobile version as the user already sees there is another image next to the one in view, therefore will swipe to left. Sometimes those arrows are not very visible, and the user will not swipe in the carousel or any other element SANA offers now.

This feature can be found on all websites build with shopify. Example: or etc.

Please consider building this feature within SANA.