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Linking My Account documents
Linking My Account documents

Currently, the Webshop displays the relevant Sales Order Document ID for two document types: Return Orders and Invoices.

It would be more beneficial to extend this functionality to include a Document Flow for the detailed page of Orders. This enhancement aims to offer customers a clearer understanding of the status and progression of their orders. Moreover, we can further expand this feature to Invoices and Return Orders, providing users with a comprehensive summary of the entire process. In doing so, customers can acquire a more detailed insight into the ongoing processes associated with their orders.

For instance, if we open a sales order by impersonating a customer (Sales DocNo: 123_XXXXX), we can observe all the relevant documents associated with this sales order:

• Sales Order Created: Document ID 123_XXXXX | Created Date: 19/12/2023

• Invoice created: Invoice Created; Invoice Number 4321_XXXXX | Created Date: 09/01/2024

• Return Receipt Created: Document Number: 5473_XXXXX | Created Date: 12/01/2024